This is a time of great uncertainty. While we do not know exactly what the future may hold, we feel confident that by sticking together and supporting each other we will emerge from this stronger than before. With deep regrets, we are making this announcement to the supporters of the Thomas Midnight Pewitt Memorial Ranch Rodeo Charity (TMP Rodeo). The situation is changing rapidly, and to do our part in slowing the spread of the virus, we are joining the World Wide reaction to the on-going Covid-19 (Corona Virus) and with great caution we are “postponing” the planned Thomas Midnight Pewitt Memorial Ranch Rodeo Charity Event. This action is being taken to insure compliance with the current CDC guideline announced (3/16/2020) and most importantly to protect our Family and Friends from increased risk of exposure to the Virus.
We will award TMP SCHOLARHSIPS FOR 2021!
The TMP Scholarship application deadline: Postmark by April 17, 2021
Click below to download an application.
We are hopeful to continue our traditional Scholarship Plaque Presentations.
“Scholarship Award Presentation Dinner” date and venue to be announced soon!
All Cowboys Gather Here…..
….in the Heart of the Sierra Nevada
2020 Thomas Midnight Pewitt Memorial Ranch Rodeo
AND Cowboy Heritage Festival Featuring Children’s “Buckaroo Camp”
Greenhorn Mountain Veterans Grounds Glennville, California
Friday, Saturday & Sunday May 15th – May 17th, 2020
Entry Deadline ~ May 10, 2020 After May 3rd: Late Fee Applies
Custom Made Saddle Awarded for “All Around Cowboy”
Ranch Rodeo
Texas Hold’em Tournament
Horseshoe Tournament
Cowboy Marketplace
BBQ & Dance
Cowboy Church

Cowboy Heritage Festival Featuring … Children’s “Buckaroo Camp”
Celebrate and Learn about California’s Ranching History Fun & Educational Arts & Crafts Displays Living History Exhibits & Activities